Saturday, November 21, 2009

Well it Sunday and it is really nice today. A little cool but the sun is out so that makes it great. Hope all is well with everyone . I have been trying to get the house ready for next week. Not doing a lot . Putting up a few decorations and Doug helped me put the leaves in the table. Jist wanted to say hi will send some pics later Love ya all Diane

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I've very lucky....

what I've enjoyed most of where I've called home for the 29 years is the four seasons I get to enjoy.
Utah is no exception. Snow today and the mountains are just beautiful.

I still need to upload a ton of pictures but it won't be until after thanksgiving. I'm headed to Colorado for about 10 days after a trip to Florida next week.

What happened to 2009?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

More of Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon-Sister's Trip 2009

Figured it out!

It took a while but finally figured out to get my wall paper to change. Of course I want to figure out Daurene's new wall paper site. One thing at a time.

I'm also trying to catalog a ton of pictures. It's been so long since I've spent time with my photos.

Here is one from last year's Sister's Trip- 2008 The Great Adventure to Alaska.

Visit a National Park

So this has become a theme the past few sister's trips. We try and visit a National Park each visit.

This is Bryce Canyon in Southern Utah.

If you haven't read "Master your Metabolism"

You really need to get in gear and read it. It makes so much sense. You are never too old to get healthy.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Great Sister's trip 2009

I wasn't the sister with the new camera...but I will find more pictures soon.
This is @ the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Well Denise and I got a surprise yesterday!

Denise had called about noon to find out where they were. Diane didn't know what time they had left or where they were but she noted that she was a good navigator...Denise and I just laughed because how could she be when she had no idea where they were.

Well turns out they had another passenger in the car...Daurene! and she was in the front seat being the navigator.

Needless to say we were surprised when they arrived.

We made jewelry last night and that was fun (even when I dumped all of Diane's beads on the floor and she had to restring everything).

Heading out to the Family Search Library to do some family history work ( Dad's side ) and then to the casino on the UT/NV state line. We are going to see a concert and have dinner. Tomorrow we are visiting Park City. Will get some pictures uploaded tomorrow.

The Sister Pod

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 I know what Harry Potter is all about

Last night my company hosted a preview of Harry Potter ( before opening to the public). We rented the entire theater.

Denise was able to go with me. Of course you know she has read all the books and seen all the movies.

It was fun.

Well Diane and Desnee arrive on Friday. I'm sure we will post pictures this week-end.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Hi there, It was so good to hear from you. In the Blog and by phone, I just got on our blog and I always look to see if you have had time to put a note on.
I am sending you a pic. of the hummer we saved last week. There are so small and beautiful . We have saved several in the past year or two.
I am so looking forwards to our sister trip. Everyone says what a wonderful thing we do and I agree. See you soon Love ya Big Sissy

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where am I???

This is the question I ask most often these days when I wake up. Sometimes it is difficult to remmber what city I'm in.

It was been a fast and fun 8 weeks since I started my new career adventure and I'm having a BLAST! The last 5 weeks have been alot of travel, CA/MI/MN/FL/IN/GA...and in the next few weeks I will be in MN/CA/NV/IL.

I'm back in CO most week-ends. I'm looking forward to my Sister's Trip 2009- UTAH in a few weeks. I've got some fun things planned.

Love everyone and keep blogging..


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hello to you, Well how was your first week? I am sure you were very busy. Have a good trip to your new add. this week end. Best of luck and I am so proud and happy for you both. A new adventure for each of you. See you soon Love ya Diane

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How much is that Kittie in the Window?

This is BG's favorite spot to check things out.

She is such a smart kittie.

She also loves wine corks and knows when Russ opens a bottle as she runs from where ever she is into the kitchen to see if Russ will give it to her.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Here are Ayden and Dylan, Derreks boys. They had so much fun we had an egg hunt and a silly striing fight all or almost all got into that and it was fun.The day was not as warm as I would but it didn't stop was staying outsind and enjoying the day. It didn't start to rain till almost 6: 30 ot so. It was great. Love ya amd miss you Diane

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter to you both and your families Love ya Diane

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hi there, well I wanted to get this to you yesterday, but I forgot how to do it. I wanted to wish you gook luck today.
I thought the picture was when we in Co. I think that may have been one that Ben took and I haven't even seen them yet. Again best of luck. Love ya Diane

Monday, April 6, 2009

So the picture I was looking for was...

The " TADA" picture of Daurene that we took on the cruise...
If you look at the picture I posted it was like that little critter stole
her signature pose...
He there, I have been to your blog, The only thing that doesn't come up is the moon picture. I know what picture you are talking about and I am looking for it. I am so happy for you .I'm sure if it's what you want you will get it . I think it is wonderfull.
I got my phone working again it hasn't work for about 4 days. Glad it's back. Love ya Diane

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Salt Lake City is correct!

I'm very excited about this position. It would mean moving but I see that as an opportunity to see more of the country and learn about life in another city.

If this is God's plan for me then I will follow because it means he has something really
great in store for us.

Well I'm going to go work on my "playlist" and see if I can get it uploaded today.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Salt Lake City, Utah !!!! :) We've really never seen much of Utah, we did stay in Beaverton Utah for one night on our way to Sean's wedding, the food next door was great :)

Guess What????

Does anyone know what city this is???
This is where I will be next Weds for a job interview.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hi there, like the kitten pictures and NY. You are like Daurene you find great pictures of other things to put on . I like that. I hope to have some new pics. of Logan and the other soon. Will most likely see Logan this weekend I think Wanda said she might get him the weekend. Love ya Diane
So once you go to The Cutest Blog on the block you spent sometime adding things , its really fun huh? You can also add the blogs you enjoy and want to share, check out the Pioneer Woman on the sisters blog, its great
Its all good :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hey it was good to look at your blog. The sunset was beautiful. I go to both everytime I get on the internet sometimes twice aday just to see if somesone has posted. Will keep looking. Love ya Diane

I'm trying to find the twin to this one....

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Go to the cutest blog on the block and you can get free backgrounds :)

Yes I know i forgot one of me....

New goal...posting twice a month

Got to start somewhere. Need to update my blog and get new photo's, wall paper and even attempt music...but today i will just start with some photos from Christmas.

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