Monday, June 15, 2009

Hi there, It was so good to hear from you. In the Blog and by phone, I just got on our blog and I always look to see if you have had time to put a note on.
I am sending you a pic. of the hummer we saved last week. There are so small and beautiful . We have saved several in the past year or two.
I am so looking forwards to our sister trip. Everyone says what a wonderful thing we do and I agree. See you soon Love ya Big Sissy

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where am I???

This is the question I ask most often these days when I wake up. Sometimes it is difficult to remmber what city I'm in.

It was been a fast and fun 8 weeks since I started my new career adventure and I'm having a BLAST! The last 5 weeks have been alot of travel, CA/MI/MN/FL/IN/GA...and in the next few weeks I will be in MN/CA/NV/IL.

I'm back in CO most week-ends. I'm looking forward to my Sister's Trip 2009- UTAH in a few weeks. I've got some fun things planned.

Love everyone and keep blogging..


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